Where and when do I meet my class?

All classes meet near the SuperSign (the large trail map with electronic information scroll above) near Broadway Express (Chair 1) at 8:45 on Sunday morning. You’ll coordinate a meeting point for subsequent days with your instructor.

We do our best to arrange participants in classes tailored to their skiing level. However, you may find your goals or skills don’t match with your group’s. Please talk to your instructor as soon as possible, ideally by mid-day Sunday if you feel you need a change. You instructor may be able to accommodate you or will arrange for you to join another class.

Lifts open at 8:30 AM, and you will meet your group at 9:00 AM each morning. Classes break for about an hour around 12:00 for lunch. Instruction ends at 3:00 PM, but the mountain is open until 4:00 PM if you want to catch the last lift up.

Absolutely! We ask that you select your package when you sign up, but if you change your mind prior to camp beginning, just let us know!

Yes, you are welcome to bring the kids! We can arrange for discounted ski school or daycare for them so you will be able to freely participate in camp. Please contact us when you register and we will make sure the whole family is taken care of.

Early-bird skiing lets you arrive one to three days early to get acclimated and get some turns in the weekend before camp begins. You can also elect to stay the weekend after camp ends. You will be eligible for discount lift tickets during these extra days. Lodging extensions may be available as well, subject to availability. You can select trip extensions when you register, but please feel free contact us with any questions.

If you think you might miss the registration and welcome party, please contact us ahead of time. We will arrange for you to pick up registration materials before lessons start on the first day of camp. You can also have a friend pick up your information for you.

Most participants tip around $50 to $60 for the week, but the amount is entirely up to you.  Many groups decide to pool tip money together and give it to their instructor along with a thank you card at Friday’s banquet.

In case an emergency, injury, or illness causes you to leave camp early, notify your instructor immediately. Give your lift ticket (if you have one) to your instructor  and contact us to go over next steps.

Most likely! Many participants are happy to carpool from Southern California to Mammoth. If you think you will need a ride, please indicate it on your registration form. We will email all participants regarding carpooling options around a month prior to camp.

Yes, there are now flights up to the Mammoth/Yosemite airport, with transportation provided to the Mammoth Mountain Inn from the airport. Click here for more details.